Saturday, October 26, 2013



Lord, I don't understand.
I just don't.
Will you tell me?
Give me answers?
Here and now, I want them.
Here and now, I know I'm still yours, 
answers, or not.
I pray:
Let me be yours
Always and forever.
Yet, Lord, I don't understand.
I just don't.


  1. Oh Martha, your words here truly speak what my heart is crying out these last few days.

    It's hard to know that I'm called by the Lord to do something, yet opportunities aren't there. Strangely, when I do have the opportunity it makes me feel alive in the way nothing else does, others are blessed, others recognize what God has given me.

    Praying for eyes to be opened.

    Planning to share this, Martha.

    Love and blessings.

  2. Thank you for visiting, Kim, and thanks, too, for sharing.
    Yes, sometimes the answers are not there or, if they are, our spiritual blinders are on and we fail to see them. I know God holds the big picture, and I take comfort in that.
    Blessings to you!

  3. hi Martha - finally made it over here. hope to keep up with you on this blog.

    God does answer us always - sometimes we have to listen more attentively and sometimes wait a little longer for Him to answer :)

    1. Yes, Vishnu, it's up to us to listen and be open to what He has to say to us.
      Thanks so much for coming by, my friend!
      Blessings always!

  4. I say a similar prayer a lot of times, too, Martha. May His enlightenment come to you my friend. Much love and God bless! ♡

    1. May His enlightenment come for all of us!
      Thanks so much for visiting, Irene!
      Blessings always!

  5. This sounds like my daily mantra as I find my way. I am constantly having this exact conversation with God. ♥

  6. So glad you came by, Kathy!
    Yes, it's a familiar conversation for me to have; so many things I don't understand, but glad that God does!
